What is fairtrade?
When looking for earth friendly clothes for the family, you will come across a lot of different terms and labels. You’ll see terms like organic, sustainable, ecofashion and fairtrade to name a few.

Let’s focus on fairtrade, because that is a term that is used and questioned a lot. Fairtrade. Sounds nice, but what is?
What is fairtrade?
You will probably notice a fairtrade label on a food product at the store before finding it on a clothing product at the baby store. In either case it’s basically the same. When it comes to shopping for either clothing products or food, we look for some type of certification from organizations like Fairtrade Labeling Organization International or the World Fair Trade Organization. The label or certification tells us that this product is Fairtrade certified.
Ok. But what does Fairtrade certified mean?
This is where it becomes a little fuzzier. Each organization may have different critical but they have the same basic principles. This fairtrade certification process was built from the fair trade social movement that focuses on manufacturers paying producers a fair price or wage while utilizing safe working environment. Fair trade also takes a proactive approach towards fighting the use and exploitation of child labor. Child labor is a big no no!
So, organic and fairtrade are the same, right?
Short answer, no. Longer answer; they have the same basic principles but no they are not the same. Fair trade looks at the whole process from growth, processing, to transport. Organic certifications are more focused on the growing methods used. Making sure crops are free of chemicals. Organic products can be produced with methods that are not 100% fair trade compliant. On the flipside, less than half of the fairtrade certified products are certified organic. If you find clothing that is certified fairtrade and organic, you’ve hit a home run!
Last question. What is the difference between fairtrade and fair trade?
I know this one has bothered me for a while. When you see fairtrade it is usually referring to an organization, label or certification. Fair trade is usually referring to the movement or practice.
Basically, fairtrade is just another piece of the puzzle towards earth friendly clothing and lifestyle. It’s not the ultimate answers. I know this wasn’t the ultimate answer to what is fairtrade but it’s in terms that I understand.
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